Lights In The North
"Lights In The North" was created by the duo Matthijs Herder and Eleanor Kathleen Grootoonk. The film is a modern fairy tale, a mixture of mythology, history, a glimmer of science and personal experiences on location in Swedish Laplap about the Northern Lights..
The result is a short stop-motion movie without human actors. Leading characters are the elements of nature. Only a voice-over guides the viewer through the story and confronts him with his own mortality.
A superreality is created because of the HDR techniques used. It's supplemented by an electronic sound collage of field recordings and instruments recorded in Sweden.
LOGLINE: At the end of the world, there lives an entity that lights a candle for every passing soul. The souls display their gratitude by lighting up the skies in the north. An alchemist captures the lights and tries to distil the life elixir from them.
Title: Lights In The North
By: Eleanor Kathleen Grootoonk & Matthijs Herder
Year: 2012
Technique: 4K stop-motion film
Length: 13:25min